Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Kathleen Hanna Project

I am super excited about the upcoming documentary film The Kathleen Hanna Project, which Sini Anderson is working on  Below is a letter from Sini through facebook, looking for donations to make this project a reality!  Please consider donating. 
Dear Friends, Fans, and Family:
As some of you already know, I am currently knee-deep in the early stages of directing a documentary film about Kathleen Hanna. It’s a unique opportunity, and an important one. This film is not simply an archive of Kathleen’s impact on our culture as a feminist leader and musician (which could easily be a five-part miniseries).

I am making an intimate portrait of a complex artist and activist that explores where she’s been, where she is now, and where she is going. Inevitably, these questions will engage larger ones about the nature of art and activism, as well as fame, friendship, and community.

When Kathleen and I sat down a few months ago and talked about the film I wanted to make, we both agreed that it should be as ambitious, professional, and as beautiful as possible. Accordingly, I am shooting everything on HD cameras, with the latest technology. I won’t bore you with gibberish about P2 cards, but I can assure you that this stuff is futuristic. It is also very expensive.
Here’s what we have going for us: a kick-ass team of talented, passionate people who are temporarily willing to work for free; the collaboration of our subject, Kathleen; 20 years of archival footage documenting her work, and a clear, inspired vision of what this film will be and why it needs to be made.

Here’s what we don’t have (yet): money. Nonetheless, because we are so confident that this film will find the support it needs, we are already in production, and intend to stick to our current schedule, which has us shooting through the end of the year.
Don’t worry; we aren’t relying on faith alone to finance this film. During our marathon, hummus-fueled meetings in my Bushwick apartment, we have formulated a plan and taken action toward qualifying for non-profit status (we have an interested fiscal sponsor), while remaining eligible for private investors. We have an accomplished grantwriter on the ready. We are in the process of making a teaser video to pitch to potential producers, and a shorter cut to launch on the fundraising site, Kickstarter. However, we are in desperate need of more gigantic hard-drives to store all of our beautiful HD footage, not to mention more P2 cards, sound and lighting equipment, sustenance for our crews (don’t want anybody getting too skinny in the service of good art), media transfers, and lots more.

So this is, in the end, our first request for support (you probably already figured that out, huh?). Very much in the spirit of all independent, grassroots movements (hello, feminism. hi riot grrls. hi underground musicians, artists, and revolutionaries), we need those who support independent art, feminist art, and the documentation of our underground leaders to rally. We want to do this right, so that it's as good as it should be, and reaches the widest audience possible.
You can donate via Paypal here (you’ll have to set up an account, if you don’t have one, which takes about one minute); all you need is your email and mine ( Anything helps. $5-$500,000 right, right.

If any of you want to throw a whole bunch of money at this project, we would be thrilled to give you an executive producer credit. And if you have a larger donation that you'd like to be tax deductible, that will be possible after we have non-profit status (probably by the end of the summer). Either way, get in touch and we will figure it out.

Lastly, I'd be so grateful if you’d forward this letter on to anyone you know who might want to be of help.

So much thanks and love,
Sini Anderson


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